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Question: I'll start by apologizing, but I think only you can give me a straight answer. I make high-resolution recordings at rates up to 352.8kHz. In Reaper, under project settings, there is a dialog box that comes disabled, making Reaper assume the rate of my interface. I did the test, set my interface to 352.8kHz and Reaper took over the sample rate with no apparent problems. So, I'd like to know if everything is OK, if it's OK to use Reaper at these rates or if the limit is really 192kHz. to be continued...
Asked by g, but I think only you can give me a straight answer. I make high-resolution recordings at rates up to 352.8kHz. In Reaper, under project settings, there is a dialog box that comes disabled, making Reaper assume the rate of my interface. I did the test, set my interface to 352.8kHz and Reaper took over the sample rate with no apparent problems. So, I'd like to know if everything is OK, if it's OK to use Reaper at these rates or if the limit is really 192kHz. to be continued...ADS STUDIO (201.95.69.x) on November 9 2023, 2:10am
Reply on November 9 2023, 5:03pm:
    If the hardware supports these sample rates then you should be good! Why you need that many samples is another question entirely...

  • Posted by ADS STUDIO (201.95.69.x) on November 9 2023, 7:04pm:
    Justin, thank you very much! That's another simply fantastic feature of Reaper. Just to clarify, I work in a tiny (but existing) niche of the high-resolution music production market (DXD, DSD...). I'm very grateful and promise to invite you for coffee when you come to São Paulo, Brazil! Cheers!

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