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Question: Just saw this article. Great to see Ninjam getting more well-deserved attention! Thank you again for making this technology... it's allowed friends and me to make a lot of fun noise for over 16 years now :-)
Asked by longtimeninjamlover (73.20.20.x) on November 11 2023, 6:02am
Reply on November 11 2023, 12:42pm:

  • Posted by longtimeninjamlover (73.20.20.x) on November 11 2023, 6:57pm:
    Yes! (accidentally submitted the form before getting the link pasted in but then couldn't edit/resubmit) It was fun reading that article where everthing he described, from the software setup to the great feeling of finally getting connected and jamming, is exactly what I experienced in 2007 when we first started using Ninjam. Thanks again!

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