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Question: Hey Justin, have you ever heard of Chris from Airwindows? He releases new plugins basically every sunday and they are very interesting, maybe you could get something nice from his Galactic reverb, tapeDelay2, Clearcoat, and so on. They're all free(patreon supported) and so on, he also uses and encorages people to use Reaper. So yeah, hes an interesting mind for sure, you caould probably like some of his gadgets. e.g. youtube.com/watch?v=n6LIx52Wf_4
Asked by Not-Chris (187.201.236.x) on November 18 2023, 2:07am
Reply on November 18 2023, 7:46pm:
    Yeah, cool, though I rarely have time to bother with plug-ins, prefer to play with instruments... That reverb in the opening part of that video sounds a lot like Rrreeeaaa stretching things a ton heh

  • Posted by Sunblister (77.190.107.x) on November 19 2023, 11:48am:
    I'm just at the beginning of my programming journey and most of Chris' stuff is still over my head, but I find it hugely inspiring that someone just grants access to all this DSP code for everybody to learn from. I suspect Chris is probably not into this kind of interaction (and he's safely more than one Atlantic Ocean away from me anyway), but I want to give this man a huge hug.

  • Posted by Mespotine (80.187.118.x) on November 19 2023, 10:32pm:
    Chmaha did ports of some of the AirWindows-fx to JSFX. Their ports can be found here: forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=275301

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