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Question: hey jf- being 1 of reapers most loyal users... "how many of the thousands actions are you NOT using,on a daily/weekly basis?" (are you actually developing it for others more* than your own* uses?)
Asked by 2023 (81.159.206.x) on November 22 2023, 1:36pm
Reply on November 22 2023, 7:29pm:
    Hah most of them, but there are plenty which I _might_ use...

  • Posted by 2023 (81.159.206.x) on November 23 2023, 2:48am:
    ahhh right..only asked as we only see the super8 sessions & that looks mainly physical actions #more than computational? = cheerz!

  • Posted by Justin on November 23 2023, 3:19pm:
    ah yes, though there are quite a few actions bound to MIDI controls (e.g. the volume faders, some buttons, etc).

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