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Question: hey jf.. #IF you had a position to find a solution to resolve or completely end ALL global warfares : what might that "solution" be for you? thanx.
Asked by 2023 (81.159.206.x) on November 27 2023, 2:14pm
Reply on November 27 2023, 9:18pm:
    Uhhhhhh good luck there

  • Posted by Name (23.106.56.x) on November 28 2023, 8:50pm:
    This is futile endeavor because it's absolutely against sentient creatures nature, everyone fights

  • Posted by 2023 (109.149.174.x) on November 30 2023, 6:01pm:
    its very simple... peaceful people + peaceful nations need no armies or weapons...religious beliefs that seperate & divide by conquering the others can be collapsed into a more uniting holistic,expansive view...? (at least we made an attempt!) =) cheerz!

  • Posted by Name (23.106.56.x) on December 3 2023, 8:19am:
    Not gonna happen because it ain't gonna happen ever, can't change human (animal's) nature

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