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Question: How do you feel about people pirating REAPER? I'm curious because I'm going to buy a liscence soon. I was wondering what your opinion was with people publishing keygens for reaper? Came across my mind the other night when I saw my trial evaluation time was up. Wanted to ask you personally.
Asked by mikey (162.253.118.x) on December 30 2023, 2:46am
Reply on December 30 2023, 5:11pm (edited at December 30 2023, 5:12pm):
    afaik keygens still require a hacked reaper.exe, thankfully. nobody serious wants to be running modified executables. Obviously I disapprove. :)

  • Posted by mikey (162.253.118.x) on December 30 2023, 8:14pm:
    Thanks for the input :) Thought as much! Glad we hold the same opinion. Stay awesome :)

  • Posted by Name (23.106.56.x) on December 31 2023, 9:49pm:
    Pirating REAPER is laughable, i mean what is there to crack? The nag screen code?

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