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Question: How many lines of code is there in REAPER in total?
Asked by Ilya (69.94.124.x) on January 3 2024, 11:23am
Reply on January 4 2024, 4:55am (edited at January 4 2024, 5:05am):
    It's always hard to decide what to include, but I stripped it down almost all code written by us (e.g. no third-party libraries except for the odd header), for everything, and got this:
    Language                             files          blank        comment           code
    C++                                    406         100147          15246         719830
    C/C++ Header                           346          20247           7167         107026
    C                                       27           6129           1302          36385
    Objective-C++                           20           3156            628          20627
    Windows Resource File                   49           1684           1386          16524
    Assembly                                10           2028           1308           7487
    Lua                                      7            502             97           4565
    Perl                                     6            313            549           1382
    make                                    20            420             15           1348
    Bourne Shell                            25            188             25           1273
    yacc                                     1             35              3            338
    lex                                      1             25              0             88
    JavaScript                               1            142            184             84
    DOS Batch                               10             18              6             80
    Objective-C                              4              8             15             32

  • Posted by Ilya (69.94.124.x) on January 4 2024, 1:16pm:
    Wow thats impressive! Even FL Studio has around 3 million and not nearly as much functionality as REAPER

  • Posted by 2024 (109.158.137.x) on January 4 2024, 4:14pm:
    lol..simplicity has its beauty! more complications = more tax.

  • Posted by Justin on January 5 2024, 5:27pm:
    I'm sure FL Studio has as much functionality if not more, just different. e.g. more instruments

  • Posted by User (92.38.148.x) on January 5 2024, 8:59pm:

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