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Question: hey jf- do you find any users still using "rewire".. which has for long time now been made obsolete by the initial developers? what does its purpose serve these days in reaper?
Asked by 2024 (31.54.122.x) on January 12 2024, 12:09am
Reply on January 12 2024, 1:41am:
    I'm sure people do, yeah!

  • Posted by 2024 (31.54.122.x) on January 12 2024, 12:49pm:
    we used to use quite regula...but not even sure what other programs actually support it these days....is worth a forum poll to find out?

  • Posted by Justin on January 12 2024, 1:53pm:
    It's not worth a poll. People use old versions of software that support it. People also use the 32-bit Windows version of REAPER, even though the perception is that we all use 64-bit.

  • Posted by Josh (108.31.236.x) on January 27 2024, 3:09pm:
    I use it to sync Finale playback into Reaper. It's buggy and crashy and a mess and I'd love to find a better way to do this!

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