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Question: For a long time been wanting to find out if after the license import into REAPER on Windows anything gets written into the registry. Someone said nothing does otherwise portable install couldn't be portable. Are they right?
Asked by Curious (2.58.194.x) on January 12 2024, 9:19pm
Reply on January 13 2024, 5:00pm:
    They are correct

  • Posted by Curious (185.94.188.x) on January 13 2024, 6:13pm:
    Thank you

  • Posted by asking asker (31.37.8.x) on January 16 2024, 3:39pm:
    What "sacrifices" did you have to make to avoid writing in the registry? Does it make Reaper more annoying to program for Windows but you still prefer the flexibility?

  • Posted by Justin on January 16 2024, 4:55pm:
    Writing the registry is more of a hassle than anything heh. There's really no reason for us to.

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