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Question: hey jf- if we upload a silent video to ytube..the nerd stats give a reading of - "content loudness -9986.0 db" lolwut?! any clues to them numbers?? ta.
Asked by 2024 (31.54.122.x) on January 18 2024, 11:44pm
Reply on January 19 2024, 2:23am:
    Well, it would be -inf dB, technically, but I think the way LUFS works is it sorts volume into bins and does a histogram of them, ignoring certain sections or something, so probably whatever algorithm they have has some lower limit. Either that or it takes log(peak_amplitude) and then clamps it to something. Shrug.

  • Posted by 2024 (31.54.122.x) on January 20 2024, 8:28pm:
    ahh yes got it...maybe will see how they handle bit depths/ db & find the lowest volumes 1 can upload just out of curiousities... cheers!

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