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Question: Random question but you don't have to answer. What compiler do you use to compile Reaper with? And how can you target multiple operating systems and CPU architectures from a single code base and tool chain?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on February 9 2024, 7:13am
Reply on February 9 2024, 5:27pm:
    different toolchains depending on platform -- VC2005/ICC10 for Windows, clang for macOS, gcc for Linux. A lot of the cross-platform-UI-ness comes from writing basic win32 code and using SWELL (part of WDL, open source etc) to target macOS/linux... and a lot of the audio/midi device code is platform-specific for each.

  • Posted by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on February 9 2024, 6:55pm:
    Oh nice, very neat stuff. And thanks for sharing!

  • Posted by Ruchira (123.231.110.x) on February 19 2024, 7:20pm:
    Why not using the latest version of visual c++? Aren’t there any bugs in old versions? Latest versions might generate cache friendly code.

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