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Question: I recently told a major German software firm that I will no longer pay for upgrades because of Germany's enthusiastic support for Israel's ongoing atrocities. I don't use Waves products, because of it being based in Israel. Ditto for Intel. I like some music on DI.fm, but founder Ari Shohat has repulsive views he posts on twitter, so I avoid. Where do you stand?
Asked by Beak (94.16.112.x) on February 10 2024, 11:42pm
Reply on February 11 2024, 2:30am (edited at February 12 2024, 10:33pm):
    I have a views that involve enough complexity and nuance that I don't feel like I can summarize it here and have it be reliably understood, which may feel like a failure to answer the question, but hopefully this provides sufficient information to you.

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