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The Reaper DAW gets a lot of updates, but the Reaplugs VST suite was last updated in 2016. Why is it that Reaper gets so many updates but Reaplugs languishes for years?
Asked by Eye of the Kaiser Bun (99.239.111.x) on February 14 2024, 2:12am
Reply on February 14 2024, 5:31pm:
Because ReaPlugs meh and REAPER yay. ReaPlugs were meant to be the gateway drug or something...
Posted by The True Cholo (192.42.116.x) on February 15 2024, 1:49am:
That is stinkin' thinkin' homes. It came from you, so you need to have pride in everything you make. You got to find out what makes it "meh" and turn it into, "Yaay!!!" Video tutorials and books show and demo these plugins, so people are watching and listening. Charge money, homes. People will pay. I buy your DAW and I buy plugins. But you need to take pride in everything you make. Leave no child neglected, bro.
Posted by
on February 15 2024, 2:46am:
Was mostly being silly, but really: too much work/difficult to ensure compatibility and that effort is better spent on REAPER. ;)
Posted by 2024 (109.149.174.x) on February 15 2024, 3:20pm:
@The True Cholo - we cannot force others to bend to "our will" - isnt it better if justin does what comes from the heart center? ( we would also have liked updates but the reality is - if it works it works..if not,move on,or make something that does work for you?)
Posted by Eye of the Kaiser Bun (99.231.28.x) on February 17 2024, 2:35am:
I don't think 'Cholo is forcing anyone, rather just saying to take pride. Not a bad thing message. There are so many people making cool plugins for Reaper on forums, it just needs JF's smiling image on one and the label, "Justin's Own". Could Justin not outsource the stuff he does not like and do what he likes, or is that wishful thinking?
Posted by 2024 (109.149.174.x) on February 17 2024, 12:30pm:
cannot "speak" for the man himself,,but! he has already stated numerous times a dis_interest and reasons why... 1 can still wish, but it may not be granted, as a human with free will holds the cards here! heh
Posted by The True Cholo (45.15.158.x) on February 18 2024, 2:10am:
@2024, no one's forcing anyone, homes. But let me put it in a way for you to better understand, after you take a shit, it's a good idea to flush.
Posted by 2024 (109.149.174.x) on February 18 2024, 5:45am:
lol-we stand under no man,woman or child as they are our equals..... in nature there is no flushing system..it just organically decomposes over time... noone is stopping you making an emulation are they?- what do you feel actually needs "updating" with reaplugs anyway? ui? or?
Posted by Eye of the Kaiser Bun (99.231.72.x) on February 19 2024, 1:27am:
I guess you never attended Woodstock '99 when overflowing portapotties and rivers of sewage covered the whole venue. Some called themselves 'Mud People' and slid through the river, but that was no mud. There was a nice outbreak of trenchmouth. Not so good for nature either. I get it, some still use Digital Fish Phones, which came out in '03. Or Sonic Foundry is still their main DAW. You want to keep it vintage.
Posted by 2024 (109.149.174.x) on February 19 2024, 3:05pm:
this IS justins space- justins ideas,inventions & creations- if they dont feel like doing stuff- they are not bound by any agreements to do so..they said no & we guess no means no. ;) might be a shitty attitude if we look at it like shit..but he probably does not? he seems to have moved on. lol =great idea! the digital sea is vast- much to explore!
Posted by The True Cholo (192.42.116.x) on February 19 2024, 5:09pm:
@2024, You take this so personal and have a complex. If someone runs a business, customers can have their say too. Maybe he can't do things now, but doesn't mean things can't be part of a roadmap. A bad idea today can be a good one tomorrow. But whatever.
Posted by 2024 (109.149.174.x) on February 19 2024, 7:26pm:
LOL- nice summary judgement- this is also why justin doesnt seem to engage deeply online (many trolls with attitudes) did you 'pay' for reaplugs? NO.. they were given as a free gift ? & people want to knock that? lol,#sigh
Posted by Eye of the Kaiser Bun (99.231.72.x) on February 20 2024, 2:18am:
@2024, it is better to have a well thought out disposal system than just leaving things out to decompose. This is a company putting out a product with their brand, whether it is gratis is incidental. Reaplugs are also onboard Reaper as stock. If they are a hassle to maintain, then do away with them. Reaplugs are not bad, but 8 years is a tad ripe and it is not an insult if some of us care enough to say something. The main dev does as he likes, but not all decisions are a good look.
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