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Question: Have you used all the three things : HTML, CSS & Javascript in making this askjf website?
Asked by The Script (122.172.7.x) on February 29 2024, 4:03pm
Reply on February 29 2024, 5:33pm:
    there is very little javascript in the askjf site, the common header code at the top of this has a tiny bit, that's about it I think?

  • Posted by The Script (without javascript) (122.161.8.x) on March 1 2024, 6:49am:
    So you mean, most of the elements in your website is made only with HTML & CSS and only rare javascript usage? All your other websites are made with only HTML & CSS? What about reaper.fm? I like it very much, it feels so simplistic and to-the-point. Is it possible to make reaper.fm like website just with HTML & CSS?

  • Posted by Justin on March 1 2024, 5:12pm:
    Some of my websites use more javascript, e.g. my main blog uses it for loading more posts, and for doing more mp3 playback stuff. reaper.fm is mostly static and has only the occasional javascript use.

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