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Question: Software architecture for multi-threaded GUI: back when you were designing REAPER projects would it make sense performance-wise for a threaded msg_loop where its thread was associated with an instance of main dialog? Leaving ``tab switch'' to the operating system similar to how IE was working back then.
Asked by Gio (94.70.0.x) on March 14 2024, 1:46am
Reply on March 14 2024, 4:29am:
    Multithreading UI seems completely unnecessary to me and would make things a lot more difficult!

  • Posted by Gio (94.70.0.x) on March 14 2024, 7:17am:
    I see your point, thanks. It would be nice if you allowed multi-line text input for Qs/Comments, probably would help a little bit tracking spelling mistakes before submission... Always, surprised :(

  • Posted by wasereb4 (95.90.211.x) on March 19 2024, 12:52am:
    @Gio When I'm not lazy and want to make sure about typing mistakes I type my question in a text editor and paste it here. :P But agreed, would appreciate multi-line text input too. @Justin: do *you* have multi-line input? same means for all I'd say. :P

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