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Question: hey jf- do you think modern societies are putting too much emphasis on "individuals" rather than actual local or global "communities" these days? (do you feel a real part of any local or national community for eg) ta.
Asked by 2024 (81.151.173.x) on April 19 2024, 9:33pm
Reply on April 21 2024, 1:21am:
    I dunno, communities are composed of individuals. The communities I'm a part of are self-organizing and not purely geographic.

  • Posted by 2024 (81.151.173.x) on April 21 2024, 9:52pm:
    Its a weird situation here- think a lot of community barriers are actually because of the diverse languages,cultural backgrounds or varying religious followers of different ideas...-English seems fairly common & some are "multi lingual" individuals..but not all.. we now have many locals who are not born in this country living next door kinda thing.. ta.

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