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Question: When did you first start being interested in birds and how many species have you seen? Completely different tack, have you tried a Moka pot/Bialetti for coffee? I've been traveling in Italy recently and I don't know if I'll be able to go back to the French Press, the moka pot is just so much better.
Asked by Mark Y (93.45.64.x) on April 22 2024, 8:54am
Reply on April 22 2024, 2:46pm:
    Decades ago I had a little interest and bought a nice 400mm lens, then I forgot about it until recently, after having moved near Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Also a few years ago I was on the coast in California and appreciated some of the birds there (Godwits and Wimbrels and such). Not really keeping track of the counts, but probably (guessing) 15 in Prospect Park so far...

    Re: moka pot, yeah, I've used them. I feel like every few years my tastes change and I go a different route. But I like all coffee (though I prefer not-too-dark roasts).

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