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Question: What is the most recent thing you learned regarding programming?
Asked by wasereb4 (95.90.211.x) on April 29 2024, 10:35pm
Reply on April 30 2024, 3:50pm:
    Not exactly programming but win32-API, the way that GetMessage()/PeekMessage() generates mouse events based on whether the "mouse-changed" internal state is set, and the prioritization of that related to other events such as timers and paint events, and how you can use PeekMessage() with PM_QS_* flags in order to prioritize those other events if desired...

  • Posted by wasereb4 (95.90.211.x) on May 1 2024, 5:12am:
    Thanks. Surprising to me at first that you still learn new tricks with the win32 API considering how long you deal with it already. :)

  • Posted by Justin on May 1 2024, 1:53pm:
    I try to spend most of my time avoiding API-specific pitfalls heh

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.167.x) on May 3 2024, 4:08am:
    If you are going to update the screen that way with a FPS counter it would be a very satisfying experience to move the mouse around... haha

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