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Question: Do you code standing, lying down, seated, crouched ?
Asked by Foot, Yours (186.210.30.x) on May 18 2024, 1:35am
Reply on May 19 2024, 7:25pm:
    mostly standing these days

  • Posted by Mostly sitting (31.37.8.x) on May 21 2024, 12:35pm:
    any tips for setting up such a desktop? it's one of the things i'm tempted to do but never get to really consider because this, that, etc

  • Posted by Justin on May 21 2024, 3:37pm:
    Have something soft to stand on. Also move around a lot and don’t stand there for long intervals. I got a tripod desk which is good for a laptop to experiment with, and also good for travel/outdoor use. Like anything it takes a while to adapt, so go slowly.

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