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Question: What was the most painful injury you've ever had?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on May 23 2024, 2:22am
Reply on May 23 2024, 3:20am (edited at May 23 2024, 3:26am):
    When I was 17 I did some really stupid stuff on rollerblades and sprained (?) or overextended my hip. Hurt like hell at the time, and for days. Probably fucked up my biomechanics, too, I should've done a lot of PT but didn't. So now a lot of my strength training is compensating for that, in order to make things work right for running.

  • Posted by Will (23.125.224.x) on May 25 2024, 1:38am:
    Wow! Did you seek medical care when it happened?

  • Posted by Justin on May 25 2024, 2:35am:
    Saw a "myopractor" who was helpful, my parents were not big into doctors. Not sure how prevalent MRIs were in 1996 anyway. Seeing a PT probably would've been the move anyway - there wasn't swelling... anyway

  • Posted by Justin on May 25 2024, 3:01am:
    as a side note, that injury led me to miss my college orientation where I could've tested out of first-year CS. Had I not injured myself, I might have stuck around longer and who knows what would've happened.

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