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Question: Snapdragon Windows Arm version of Reaper, when?
Asked by Michael (129.222.78.x) on June 30 2024, 1:17pm
Reply on June 30 2024, 1:46pm:
    Our pre-release site has an ARM64EC/Windows11 build of REAPER 7.04rc1, but there is pretty much zero demand for it as a platform, last I checked. Perhaps we'll update that build in the next few months.
Question: Do you think complicated software like REAPER can be developed just using HTML, CSS & Javascript?
Asked by Abhi (110.227.151.x) on June 30 2024, 8:26am
Reply on June 30 2024, 1:45pm:
    The UI could for sure, but you're very limited when it comes to threads (you can have workers but no shared memory) and plug-ins (n/a).
Question: CreateProcess exists in UTF-8 hooks but not in SWELL emulation. Do I have to manually control the situation with posix_spawn or fork()/exec()? Thanks.
Asked by Gio (94.70.6.x) on June 30 2024, 5:15am
Reply on June 30 2024, 1:44pm:
    Rather than implement and try to emulate the full CreateProcess API, we instead offer SWELL_CreateProcess() (and SWELL_CreateProcessIO() on macOS).
1 Comment...
Question: Out of complete curiosity. What is "./REAPER/Plugins/reaper_host_x86_64" and what is it used for?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on June 29 2024, 5:13pm
Reply on June 30 2024, 1:43pm:
    It's used for when a plug-in is hosted out of process, which can happen due to be set to "separate process", or if it's x86_64 and you're running in arm64 etc.
Question: is it possible to know what audio file the peakfiles in reaper/reapeaks point to? filenames are some big hexadecimal for me and it doesnt look like there's a reference string in the .reapeak content
Asked by kriasb (84.52.206.x) on June 29 2024, 11:35am
Reply on June 29 2024, 11:36am:
    it's a sha1 hash of the lowercase version of the full path and filename
Question: Which OS do you spend the most time on these days (not counting your mobile phone)?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on June 27 2024, 7:13pm
Reply on June 28 2024, 2:32am:
    macOS for dev work, linux for recording
Question: Are there any binary search trees in the REAPER code?
Asked by Will (98.251.43.x) on June 24 2024, 9:34pm
Reply on June 24 2024, 11:41pm (edited at June 26 2024, 5:08pm):
    Not off the top of my head. Lots of sorted buffers that are bsearch'd though.
Question: Do you know personally the developers of the other big DAWs?
Asked by Will (98.251.43.x) on June 23 2024, 5:27pm
Reply on June 24 2024, 2:06am:
    I've talked to Paul of Ardour a bit, but afaik that's about it
Question: Why we can easily see source code of any website in browsers? What if some web developer doesn't want their source code to not publicly visible?
Asked by Abhi (122.161.59.x) on June 23 2024, 4:25pm
Reply on June 24 2024, 2:06am:
    You could obfuscate it if you want, I suppose. There are tools to do that.
Question: Hey Justin! You've been around for a minute - what (if anything) do you miss about the 90s era of computing / internet culture?
Asked by FERRO (76.32.109.x) on June 22 2024, 3:40pm
Reply on June 22 2024, 9:52pm:
    Hah not too much, things are pretty sweet now. I'd say I miss upgrading your Windows install being optional, but I don't really use Windows anymore unless I have to so it doesn't bother me much...
Question: Hey jf - The plugins that are bundled with Reaper. Were they developed on top of a custom plugin architecture or just regular VST? And if so, how would you go about implementing one?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on June 21 2024, 8:22am
Reply on June 21 2024, 3:23pm:
    They are VST-ish, but if you were to implement something similar you'd have to use VST2, which isn't freely available unfortunately. Closest thing to it is probably CLAP, which would be a better alternative!
Question: Are you the best DAW engineer alive?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on June 21 2024, 3:43am
Reply on June 21 2024, 3:22pm (edited at June 21 2024, 4:16pm):
    Not sure how one would quantify best. Lots of potential criteria to choose from, and even then the context would be different, you can't directly compare marathon times on vastly different courses. But any rate, I'm going to go with "no" as an answer.
Question: What did you do for acoustic treatment in your studio/rehearsal space?
Asked by Sunblister (147.161.165.x) on June 18 2024, 4:10am
Reply on June 18 2024, 1:32pm:
Question: Of all places you have been to, which one has the best bicycle infrastructure?
Asked by PedalingPanda (77.179.191.x) on June 17 2024, 5:27pm
Reply on June 17 2024, 11:50pm:
    Probably Copenhagen, but I say it with the least amount of certainty because I was only there for a handful of days in 2019 and it's hard to really know what a place is like given that small of an experience. I've been to Amsterdam many years ago but didn't bicycle there, I imagine it is fantastic. Berlin may have not had the best infrastructure but I enjoyed riding there.
Question: hey jf- if we think in terms of a "quantum reality" - & we measure in chunks of planck constant,surely this means time & space is packets of energy, which is not a continuous signal? ..so do you think our "reality" comes in chunks?? or, blocks of energy?
Asked by 2024 (31.104.68.x) on June 15 2024, 11:00pm
Reply on June 16 2024, 10:53pm:
    Over my head heh
Question: Do you do bookeeping for Cockos yourself? How much do you know about it and do you find it fun maybe?
Asked by nikolalkc (80.216.31.x) on June 15 2024, 6:37pm
Reply on June 16 2024, 10:54pm:
    I am the bookkeeper, not sure I'd call it fun but it's not so bad. How much do I know? it's just data entry and categorization and making sure everything adds up to 0.
Question: For the Linux version of Reaper. What Linux distro do you compile it against? Ubuntu I am assuming?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on June 15 2024, 1:29am
Reply on June 16 2024, 10:54pm (edited at June 16 2024, 10:55pm):
    We compile on pretty old Ubuntu versions using gcc 4.x, for maximum libstdc++ compat.
Question: So for Reaper. Did you implement MIDI from scratch like a mad man or are you using a library?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on June 13 2024, 6:12am
Reply on June 13 2024, 1:31pm:
    We used rdmid.c, a C library for reading .mid files, but everything else is ours.
Question: I've been trying to replicate LiceCap's 'transparent hole in a window' but for the life of me can't actually figure out what makes that work -- any hints?
Asked by Shane (160.72.17.x) on June 13 2024, 5:55am
Reply on June 13 2024, 1:32pm:
Question: How much REAPER code is specific to one particular OS?
Asked by Will (98.251.43.x) on June 13 2024, 12:29am
Reply on June 13 2024, 1:32pm:
    Not that much! Mostly audio/MIDI device handling and such.
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