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Question: I see a lot of different aliases under your music main feed, do you really write so much music every week? Do you publish it somewhere other than here? And if true, any advice to actually finish music ? Im the type of guy obsessing over perfection on a track and I end up never releasing it because I stop enjoying making it to the end and jump on the next no-to-be-finished project. Cheers!
Asked by Adrian (93.45.80.x) on July 21 2024, 11:39am
Reply on July 22 2024, 2:02am:
    There's a lot of revisiting old tracks and stuff, and a lot of improvisation, alone and with different people. Some of the improvisation gets revisited... I never (or rarely) finish music so I'm probably the wrong person to ask, my strategy is to publish it all that way you get to see the latest evolution as it goes.

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