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Question: Hey, do you know there is a free & open source game engine named "Godot". It is full fledged software for making 3D and 2D games. Unlike the commercial softwares (Unity & Unreal), which are so heavy software, this Godot is so lightweight and so optimised that the developers ported the entire computer software into smartphones, which is also running so smoothly. Do you think somehow this type of thing is possible for REAPER to entirely ported into smartphones?
Asked by Dogot (182.64.183.x) on July 26 2024, 2:47pm
Reply on July 26 2024, 4:05pm:
    The backend of REAPER would be very easy to port to a smartphone, but the UI would be a huge amount of work to make it decent. Too much work. And a distraction, IMO.

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