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Question: Can you list names of free and/or open source software which you think are equal or better than their paid proprietary alternates?
Asked by Ahhhhh again (182.69.19.x) on August 2 2024, 11:46am
Reply on August 2 2024, 3:42pm (edited at August 2 2024, 3:43pm):
    Linux/OpenBSD/etc? I'm a huge fan of git too, though I haven't used a commercial source control system in decades. I'd take clang or gcc over msvc any day, though perhaps ICC has an edge?

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.187.x) on August 3 2024, 2:43am:
    MSVC has gone downhills the last decade or so. VS2012 outputs SSE when you tell it not to do so, ten years later VS2022 does exactly the same thing with AVX. ICC looks very attractive...

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