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Question: With the recent .Prealloc() improvement for the containers do you ever see a need for .begin()/.end() for those who wish to use range loops and the algorithm header? Thanks
Asked by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 6 2024, 9:46am
Reply on August 6 2024, 10:29pm:
    I suppose it would be easy to add these wrappers, what do you suggest?

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 7 2024, 2:17am:
    It's just a suggestion to have in mind, I will say that I trust your judgement on the matter. Personally, I wouldn't like too much STL-ly things in WDL but I can't deny that it might be handy for those who want to use C++11 features.

  • Posted by Justin on August 7 2024, 4:08pm:
    done, for some, so you can use the for (:) syntax which is kinda nice. Maybe someday we'll move to C++11.

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 8 2024, 2:59am:
    Modernization has been a big problem with C++, often stubbornly stay to old style because I don't want to have more that one style in my codebases. Put some thought on it ten years ago and I found that template aliases might be a nice fit with WDL for some small things that do explicit allocations. I'll probably revisit the idea when I move to a compiler that supports templates aliases. It will be nice to have WDL_UniquePtr, and wdl_rotate, etc.

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 8 2024, 7:29am:
    Just made a quick range loop test for the containers, everything works nicely. I assume that intentionally didn't include non-const ::begin()/::end(), did you had any concerns about providing modifiable lvalue for the containers? Now, I need to test more and do some planning for eleven... :)

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 8 2024, 11:33am:
    I would like to point out that a range loop iteration with WDL_PtrList, works only with const items as is; which I think defeats the purpose when there are countless WDL_PtrList in most cases. Probably, addition of non-const versions of ::begin()/::end() would be the right thing to do with the containers if WDL is going to provide that extra functionality as well. Fingers crossed...

  • Posted by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 8 2024, 11:47am:
    Fix html error: ``countless WDL_PtrList'' = countless WDL_PtrList-WDL_FastString-

  • Posted by Justin on August 8 2024, 7:30pm:
    hmm yeah non-const versions would be good too

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