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Question: Hey jf. What are your thoughts on DRM, the SKG (Stop Killing Games) campaign, digital media ownership, intellectual property, and copyright laws? And I do apologize for the loaded question. But researching about this stuff has really put alot of things into perspective as an aspiring software developer (Mainly C, C++, and some Lua). Especially when it comes to software ethics.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on August 12 2024, 9:25pm
Reply on August 13 2024, 5:05pm (edited at August 13 2024, 5:06pm):
    DRM - bad. SKG - no idea what that is. digital media ownership - I think if you buy a copy of something (e.g. a digital download) it should be yours and you should be able to resell it in the same way a physical copy would be. intellectual property - an abstract concept that can be implemented well or poorly. copyright - a concrete form of intellectual property that exists for good reason and is a good thing for society!

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