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Question: Hey Justin, it seems a lot of music you've made is improvisational. Often it's live performance / jams / loop based journeys, rather than heavily produced compositonal projects. So I was wondering if over the years you've archived every Reaper project, or instead just save the end results eg. wavs/mp3s/.mp4s etc, and discard the rest. I also wonder if you do much in the way of compositional music in Reaper with sections/parts/midi/ various production techniques etc? Or is it more fun to jam out when you ge
Asked by Dom64 (82.132.214.x) on August 20 2024, 3:43am
Reply on August 22 2024, 11:17am:
    Yes I love improvising, then developing songs derived from those. Production ends up being more work than I care to bother, I’m more interested in the live versions anyway

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