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Question: HI JF, my name is also JF. Do people truly deserve anything in life? From a more focused perspective, how do you feel about A.I. replacing humans in the realm of creativity and art? As you age, do you feel more connected or less connected with the world and people around you? Thank you.
Asked by JFKeh (24.203.182.x) on August 28 2024, 5:25am
Reply on August 28 2024, 6:05pm:
    What does it mean to deserve? I don't think LLM etc can replace humans for art since they are just models of humanity. Art isn't all about the result anyway, it's about the process and the how and the why. As far as connections to others, I don't know, I guess it's the same but in a different way as time goes on?

  • Posted by Chris (95.90.215.x) on August 31 2024, 12:11am:
    That is beautifully said about art

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