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Question: Hi, it seems you talk a lot about things being super difficult in Windows (from a programming perspective), it's like a recurring theme here and on REAPER forums. What is the reason for that? Is there some historical background for such a difference in "ease of use" between Win/Unix/MacOS? Also, if it's so difficult, why make WDL based on Windows and not Unix? I'm curious about those intricacies. Thanks for feeding the curious here :)
Asked by smandrap (188.12.128.x) on August 29 2024, 12:15pm
Reply on August 29 2024, 12:33pm (edited at August 29 2024, 12:41pm):

  • Posted by smandrap (188.12.128.x) on August 29 2024, 12:44pm:
    Thanks for your reply. I don't have a lot of knowledge about the topic so i can't really discuss any point, i just had the impression that Windows is more difficult to "handle" and wanted to know some background :)

  • Posted by Justin on August 29 2024, 1:14pm:
    writing win32 applications is a bit more tedious and quirky than it is difficult, but once you get it down it's straightforward. The upside is it can be very efficient and is (now) easily mapped to other OSes via SWELL...

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