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Question: Can you arrange these computer related things in descending order? Means the topic which you know the most, is in leftmost side, whereas the topic which you know the least, is in rightmost side. Topics are : DBMS, Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Data Structures & Algorithms, C++ (lol), Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AI & ML, Cybersecurity, REAPER (again lol), SQL, Word, Excel, Powerpoint. I think these are enough for now XD
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on October 19 2024, 8:20am
Reply on October 19 2024, 9:17pm (edited at October 19 2024, 11:14pm):
    I can't sort them (they are not numerically quantifiable), but I'll give some descriptions:
    • DBMS - uh I can apt-get install mysql and create some databases, tweak caching/memory parameters, etc, but I would have to go do a lot of reading to do something like replication or big scaling
    • Software Engineering - what does that even mean anyway?
    • Computer Networks - I can set up LANs and such and configure linux packet filters and dhcp servers or whatever, but if you wanted me to change some BGP configuration of a network I would have a lot of reading to do
    • Operating Systems - not sure what this would mean, exactly.
    • Data Structures & Algorithms - I can write you some linked lists and binary trees that with enough testing might prove to be without obvious bugs
    • C++ - mostly use C++11 or earlier syntax, avoid STL so if you ask me questions about STL use I'd have to look it up
    • Python - bleh I avoid writing it, but I know that it traditionally has a global lock which makes it suck. I've also had to deal with integrating Python with REAPER and I don't enjoy it.
    • Java - only used it occasionally, in the 90s I wrote a mandelbrot generator for the browser, but I avoid it at any rate.
    • HTML - still living in the 90s here.
    • CSS - something I've never spent enough time on to thoroughly understand, usually it ends up googling + tweaking + testing multiple browsers to find the things that work.
    • Javascript - I like javascript a lot actually, fun integrating it into otherwise basic web pages. See e.g. WHUMP and the auto-player-stuff on my blog. Lots of similarities to Lua, despite being completely different.
    • AI & ML - General ideas about how these things are done (side note, Francis was playing with small neural networks back in the early oughts for Winamp vis), but no real expertise to speak of.
    • Cybersecurity - What does that mean? Securing your systems against attacks? Keeping them up to date? Or attacking? REAPER - I do stuff with it almost every day. Probably use a small percentage of its capabilities though.
    • SQL - Can write basic SQL but for complex stuff I often end up RTFM Word - uhh is there any expertise to be had here? I do miss Wordperfect 5.1 though.
    • Excel - I know the diff between =SUM(A1:B2) and =SUM($A1:$B2), remember various functions (COUNTIF() maybe?), but for complex things it's RTFM time
    • Powerpoint - Stay the fuck away

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