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Question: I've made about 8 lua scripts with chatGPT, I've modified others scripts with it too, just because I don't want to nag the dev to cater to my every whim but it's been interesting, I know nothing about programming, I wish I knew but this has opened a ton of potential in this DAW with these tools to us musicians, I think that's neat. What do you think? Have you used it for something like that? even though I know you enjoy programming, does this make my "work" put into making them invalid? seems weird still
Asked by alex (187.201.235.x) on November 14 2024, 2:21am
Reply on November 14 2024, 2:13pm:
    if it works, that's amazing. doesn't make programming any less fun or valuable though, imo.

  • Posted by alex (187.201.235.x) on November 15 2024, 8:09pm:
    It is kind of insane to me hahah but no no, I wouldn't say it makes it that, just talking from a noob who just can't wrap his head around programming, I'm sure it's fun, I see the benefits daily in my life from people just being curious and sharing stuff. But yeah, interesting times to live in, basically.

  • Posted by alex (187.201.235.x) on November 15 2024, 8:10pm:
    would you ever consider addind a way to easily copy reascript errors to debug easily in chatGPT? :D hahaha just thought of that srry, this may not be the place.

  • Posted by alex (187.201.235.x) on November 15 2024, 8:11pm:
    reascript development environment*

  • Posted by Mespotine (82.135.127.x) on November 17 2024, 1:16pm:
    Want to add, that nagging the devs of scripts can give them valuable feedback, including "Oh, people actually use my stuff. Neat!" so don't shy away from it.

  • Posted by alex (187.190.197.x) on November 17 2024, 9:25pm:
    oh no, I actually ask them everytime I think the idea could expand the script but many times they don't even consider adding ESC to close a window (and that's ok) so i just ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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