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Question: Hello, ffmpeg4 is already too old. Now it's ffmpeg7 or above, with a difference of three major versions already.
Asked by toolos (221.215.214.x) on November 26 2024, 3:18pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    yeah, it's just a pain getting new ffmpeg versions to work with reaper :/ they don't have a well-defined API for using it in the way we do, at least to my knowledge.

  • Posted by Gio (94.70.16.x) on November 27 2024, 7:38pm:
    FFmpeg is a legal timebomb, better not deal with it altogether. Anyway, v4 is not that old, the latest release was on July 29, 2024. More often than not people are delusional.

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