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Question: Hi, pls is it possible to create tooltips or pop up guide notes in a JS effect?
Asked by W.Garby (102.176.101.x) on November 28 2024, 12:55pm
Reply on November 29 2024, 10:29pm:
    you could do it manually within the @gfx by detecting the mouseover and drawing it over it... but it would be a bit of work! There is an API that ReaScripts can use, maybe we can expose that from JSFX @gfx too. let me think about that. but for the time being probably better to detect the mouse position and draw it yourself.

  • Posted by Garby (102.176.65.x) on November 30 2024, 6:21am:
    Oh I see, thanks I will go with the detecting and drawing it for now.. Thanks

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