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Question: Hey JF - I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but I am going to throw it out there. With the rise of Rust and the push for it. Will C or C++ ever become abandoned? I am aware that it is difficult to speculate and predict such things but I am asking because I am afraid that companies like Microsoft and Apple will deprecate the support for C and C++ down the line in favor of Rust. Would that even be possible where as the language is so entrenched? Thanks.
Asked by Matthew (184.52.122.x) on November 30 2024, 2:19am
Reply on November 30 2024, 1:48pm:
    perhaps C/C++ will get their market share as a systems programming language chipped away at, but I doubt they will ever be "abandoned."

  • Posted by helgoboss (93.202.136.x) on November 30 2024, 9:25pm:
    As someone who writes REAPER extensions in Rust, I’d like to share my perspective: Hard to imagine that C will be abandoned, because with its simple, stable ABI it's the lowest common denominator between most languages, including Rust. C++ doesn't have this unique selling point, but I wouldn't worry about it being abandoned anytime soon either. There's an enormous ecosystem of existing C++ code, including critical platforms and frameworks. But hey, don't fear the Rust ;) It's an incredible language!

  • Posted by Matthew (184.52.122.x) on December 1 2024, 1:12am:
    It's not that I fear Rust. I also personally think it's a great language with alot going for it. I am mainly concern about the preservation of legacy code and the language itself.

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