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Question: I know you don't like virtual instruments, but do you think this laptop can replace traditional laptops as well as MIDI controllers? youtube.com/watch?v=ALOZq2Q3f9E&pp...
Asked by Abhi (207.244.71.x) on December 16 2024, 7:47pm
Reply on December 16 2024, 9:10pm:
    hah looks pretty cool but I don't think a touchscreen can replace a controller. also ftr I don't not like virtual instruments, it's just that I prefer playing guitar at this point :)

  • Posted by Abhi (106.219.71.x) on December 18 2024, 2:29pm:
    Oh you should check some virtual instruments plugins in your free time. If you aren't into sound designing, then there are romplers too which are preset-based where sound designing is not needed, and you only need to choose sounds. I guess you already know all this because you are the expert, not me haha!

  • Posted by Justin on December 20 2024, 2:34am:
    sorry if my double-negative confused -- I like VI fine, just prefer guitars and loud amps :)

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