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Question: Hello Justin, I am giving a school presentation on "Managing Complexity in software", I never really worked on anything I would consider complex so I feel like I have nothing interesting to offer, and to me reaper is a perfect example of a really complex software that has alot of options and modules and at the same time must maintain good performance, so If you have time can you briefly outline some of the key guidelines that you follow or anything that comes to your mind could be really helpful, thank you
Asked by ryan (41.43.201.x) on December 17 2024, 10:54am
Reply on December 17 2024, 4:27pm:
    Oh boy, software can get so complex. Performance IMO is less of a challenge than stability and reliability. Performance you can take care with rough guidelines, and then when issues come up address them either via optimizing the complexity or the implementation. But stability and reliability -- those are things that the surface you have to analyze is huge, especially with customization, different modes of operation, third party plug-ins, etc. You quickly get to a point where there are millions and millions of different states to be in, and if an issues comes up in some tiny fraction of those states, you have to find it. So a big help is the ability to share state between users and developers. E.g. a user has a bug, a significant percentage of the time we won't be able to reproduce it trivially; we'll take their reaper.ini and a project file, which makes it more likely to be reproduced, etc. I could go on, at length... discuss in the comments if you like.

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