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Question: I have a 15.6 inch laptop. So, some virtual instruments plugin are bigger in size, bigger than screen of my laptop. But thanks to REAPER, I can scroll those big size plugins and access to those areas of that plugin which are out of my screen. But I can do this only in VST2. I can't do this scroll thing in VST3 and CLAP. Do you know reason why? This made me stick to VST2, instead of switching to VST3 or CLAP.
Asked by Abhi (106.219.71.x) on December 18 2024, 11:54am
Reply on December 18 2024, 5:59pm:
    that scrolling support causes a lot of problems, maybe we can add it as an option for VST3s too, let me think about that.

  • Posted by Abhi (106.219.71.x) on December 20 2024, 3:22pm:
    Problems like? If that's not too too technical haha

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