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Question: Would you try using Cosense(scrapbox.io) as a forum for Reaper? I use it always and it's super convenient. I can just put words in brackets and have them link to the page for that word. There's no way to put into words how happy I am...
Asked by Vlzs (221.170.41.x) on December 23 2024, 1:25pm
Reply on December 23 2024, 4:44pm:
    Moving the forum would require a lot of work and we'd want to make sure we're not hurting the experience of existing users, as well as the valuable resources of all of the existing posts... so before we'd ever switch to another forum software a lot of things would have to be figured out. don't know much about that software but I will read about it.

  • Posted by Keith (65.60.211.x) on December 31 2024, 5:16pm:
    Please give Xenforo a look. The migration from vbulletin isn't too bad either.

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