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Question: Have you ever considered making music the complete opposite way you've always made? Just to be open minded and see what's out there like maybe hoping to learn something new and get a different perspective on music and producing music. I went to university to learn Classical music with guitar and piano but after Uni, i also learned making music without using any traditional instruments and it was very very fascinating and educational.
Asked by Rano (113.21.66.x) on January 7 2025, 5:02pm
Reply on January 7 2025, 5:12pm:
    it's fun trying different ways yeah, though the opposite way might be a little bit too far

  • Posted by Rano (113.21.66.x) on January 8 2025, 10:17am:
    I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try, and you never know what would happen lol.

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