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Question: which software would you choose, Blender or Houdini? Thanks!
Asked by Software (104.166.189.x) on January 22 2025, 3:10pm
Reply on January 22 2025, 6:19pm:
    I haven't really used either

  • Posted by Abhi (106.219.70.x) on January 23 2025, 10:23am:
    I also got obsessed with this thing (choosing between software), and I ultimately decided to go with Blockbench, since it fullfill my needs. You can either go with one, both can do the same work, just different workflow. Spend entire day just with these two software and see whose workflow suits you more. This also goes for DAWs since many people (even my past version) was obsessed with choosing the 'best' DAW. Since REAPER fulfills my needs, I chose this.

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