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Question: Any hope of IPlugCompatibility support (from the VST3 SDK) to allow VST2 plugins to seamlessly migrate to VST3? Waves just dumped VST2 as have many others recently so older projects are suddenly a lot less future-proof. Other vendors (U-he, etc.) in a similar boat and supporting IPlugCompatibility.
Asked by Chris (173.70.123.x) on January 26 2025, 1:12am
Reply on January 26 2025, 4:38pm (edited at January 27 2025, 4:46am):
    It's somewhat maddening that they chose JSON as a format here. Let me look into it. Edit: of course, I just spent an hour writing a JSON parser and now it's not that bad feeling. Just gotta find some plug-ins that support it now.

  • Posted by Chris (173.70.123.x) on January 26 2025, 5:12pm:
    It's Steiny: doing something really well has never been their thing with VST3. But everyone else is forced to live with it. Thanks for looking into it!

  • Posted by Matthew (98.13.80.x) on January 26 2025, 8:11pm:
    Never knew why VST became an industry standard if Steinberg isn't the best at implementing a plugin architecture. CLAP on the other hand looks promising. Or at least I hope so. Can't be wishful though…

  • Posted by Tale (77.170.68.x) on January 27 2025, 7:31am:
    AFAIK the structure of the JSON data is always the same, and contains only hexadecimals, so you probably should be able to parse it without an actual JSON parser.

  • Posted by Justin on January 28 2025, 12:29am:
    coming soon, support for this

  • Posted by Chris (173.70.123.x) on January 29 2025, 1:03pm:
    Thanks Justin! Much appreciated!

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