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Question: I'm curious why SplitMediaItem takes 10x longer than inserting a new media item, copying the chunk, assigning a new guid, and trimming each of the edges of the items (accounting for changes in take offset, playrate, etc.) Wondering if there is something else that SplitMediaItem is doing.
Asked by Nick (159.153.90.x) on February 11 2025, 10:22pm
Reply on February 11 2025, 10:34pm:
    Not the right venue for this sort of Q, send me an email...

  • Posted by Nick (159.153.90.x) on February 11 2025, 11:18pm:
    Ah sorry for bothering you here! I've sent you an email on the cockos support email. I've sent emails there before and haven't received a response, so it might be in the spam folder. Thanks!

  • Posted by Justin on February 12 2025, 12:10am:
    send to my first name at

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