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Question: Do you use any kind of project management tool (Jira, Bitbucket, etc.) at Cockos or how do you keep track of bugs and new features?
Asked by Albi (177.245.59.x) on August 10 2018, 4:14am
Reply on August 10 2018, 1:05pm:
    No we just use the forums + our own lists + git.
Question: Which is best video editing software? Camtasia or Filmora? Or any other else? Adobe softwares?
Asked by Hmm? (117.197.13.x) on August 9 2018, 10:28am
Reply on August 9 2018, 1:53pm:
    I use REAPER ha ha :)
Question: Just curious, when you incorporate a 3rd-party library in REAPER you static link or just merge the source code manually? Tend to do the later when possible and sometimes I question the practice due to the effort required to make it right, etc.
Asked by Gio (79.130.187.x) on August 9 2018, 7:17am
Reply on August 9 2018, 1:53pm:
    We usually compile from sources when possible
Question: if you had to select one thing, what would you choose, programming or coffee?
Asked by Pony (78.152.169.x) on August 9 2018, 6:21am
Reply on August 9 2018, 1:53pm:
    Programming for sure. Though breaking my addiction would be tough ;)
Question: I wonder if you might also find Chuck interesting (that's a question, right?)
Asked by semiquaver (107.184.43.x) on August 8 2018, 9:04pm
Reply on August 8 2018, 11:26pm:
    I looked at that years ago, but never got my head around it
Question: have you ever fiddled around with supercollider? if so thoughts?
Asked by semiquaver (107.184.43.x) on August 8 2018, 5:41pm
Reply on August 8 2018, 6:12pm:
    I haven't but I'm familiar with its existence, maybe I should ;)
Question: if you had to select one thing, what would you choose, music or programming?
Asked by Pony (78.152.169.x) on August 8 2018, 8:41am
Reply on August 8 2018, 6:12pm:
    If I had to make a living by it, programming... Otherwise, that'd be a tough choice. I love music.
Question: Ahh sorrry, I literally translated it from German but it has another meaning in English.. What I meant to say: musical scores or (guitar) tabs? :D When playing piano probably scores, right? How you gonna deal with bass clef? I mean, when I play it I imagine the G clef scores and "transpose" every score 2 scores up in my mind.. Feel sometimes uncomfortable wi
Asked by Stefan (95.90.158.x) on August 8 2018, 4:04am
Reply on August 8 2018, 6:12pm:
    Ah right. I'm a lot better at reading sheet music than tabs, though I rarely try to read sheet music for guitar (only for piano and flute/clarinet).
Question: Do you experience carpal tunnel symptoms?
Asked by sam_lich (64.234.61.x) on August 8 2018, 1:50am
Reply on August 8 2018, 1:57am:
    I get some RSI if I overdo it, not sure if it's carpal tunnel exactly.
Question: Okay. Another one: Notes or tabs?
Asked by Stefan (95.90.158.x) on August 7 2018, 4:03pm
Reply on August 8 2018, 1:57am:
    Not sure I fully understand it, but probably notes? I don't like leaving browsers open.
Question: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Asked by its_a_me (185.128.27.x) on August 7 2018, 3:13pm
Reply on August 8 2018, 1:57am:
    parse error
Question: What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Asked by wasereb4 (94.134.90.x) on August 7 2018, 12:23am
Reply on August 8 2018, 1:58am:
    Early in the morning
Question: Did you have an authoritarian upbringing or antiauthoritarian? Was it in some ways restrictive (parents/other people)? Did you or do you play Computer games and which kind of? Have you got any values which are important to you? And last one - Do you like Nickelback? All the best.
Asked by Stefan (95.90.158.x) on August 6 2018, 3:30pm
Reply on August 6 2018, 6:30pm:
    Probably antiauthoritarian, perhaps to a fault. As a result I'm pretty reasonable about things (critical of conspiracy theories). Computer games, yeah, atari 2600, 8-bit, NES (Super Mario 3 all time favorite) mostly, then wolf3d/doom/quake and other PC games later on. I do not like Nickelback.
Question: Hey Justin, how is your 2d:4d digit ratio? Left and right Hand. Best regards:)
Asked by Martin (89.15.237.x) on August 5 2018, 7:32pm
Reply on August 5 2018, 11:42pm:
    Interesting, I had to look up what that meant. My left hand is within the margin of error of 1:1. My right index finger is ~5% shorter than the ring finger (and the other index finger), though I'm not sure how accurate measuring from the crease is, if I place the back of my hand on a table and point the finger up, and measure that, the index fingers are pretty close to the same length...
Question: Lite version of REAPER for Android/iOS? Any thought? Another opportunity for you to earn money and even more opportunity for us to make music ;)
Asked by Andro (59.92.94.x) on August 5 2018, 4:17am
Reply on August 5 2018, 12:37pm:
    I'd prefer to keep our focus on one product :)
Question: Is it possible to get an up-to-date extension SDK? Specifically for control surface development. The one on the website is pretty stale and I found a more recent reaper_plugin.h on the forums. Would be nice to have the most recent files in one spot.
Asked by fmap (47.55.182.x) on August 4 2018, 4:38am
Reply on August 5 2018, 12:38pm:
    reaper_plugin_functions.h can be generated from REAPER and has in-built documentation, but yeah the base reaper_plugin.h should probably get updated.
Question: What CPP libraries/frameworks would you recommend someone learning audio programming get very familiar with?
Asked by vespers (69.120.228.x) on August 3 2018, 5:03pm
Reply on August 5 2018, 12:38pm:
    No idea... It depends I guess? If you want to make VSTs, iplug?
Question: Not really a question but I would like to answer Abhi's question ;) : I was standing next to Snarky Puppy's Sound Enigneer at a concert and he was using Reaper to record their show :)
Asked by Tobias (195.81.221.x) on August 1 2018, 10:03am
Reply on August 1 2018, 12:50pm:
Question: Besides Tycho, who other noticeable professional artists use REAPER??? (weird question, I know)
Asked by Abhi (106.223.234.x) on August 1 2018, 9:38am
Reply on August 1 2018, 12:50pm:
    They don't always advertise, in fact most artists rarely do. I did see some videos of deadmau5 trying it out at some point.
Question: Hmm, is it a coincidence that WNT is equivalent to VMS+1?
Asked by Gio (79.130.187.x) on August 1 2018, 7:36am
Reply on August 1 2018, 12:49pm:
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