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Question: How did you come up with the name Reaper?
Asked by MS from Sweden (77.218.241.x) on September 8 2018, 10:58pm
Reply on September 9 2018, 3:36pm:
    I felt I wanted something to reap the creative output I had... and then I figured out a backronym for it...
Question: Do you know what part of a computer can make a slight high pitch noise from inside the computer when an audio interface is in use. Sounds kind of like morse code. Note: This isn't a reaper question so hope it's allowed.
Asked by Dream Of Sleepin (90.214.39.x) on September 8 2018, 7:10pm
Reply on September 8 2018, 7:38pm:
    I've seen this too, not sure what it is.. something not shielded or grounded properly perhaps?
Question: Are Music Theory and Color Theory related?
Asked by Abhi (106.199.71.x) on September 8 2018, 3:57pm
Reply on September 8 2018, 7:38pm:
    Not that I know of but I'd be curious if there's any discussion of that...
Question: Re: spoiler tag – HTML5 has developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/W...
Asked by arst (46.105.118.x) on September 6 2018, 5:47pm
Reply on September 6 2018, 6:44pm:
    ah nice
Question: What was your reaction the first time you heard that someone had cracked Reaper just to remove the nag screen?
Asked by Lokasenna (198.48.166.x) on September 6 2018, 1:54am
Reply on September 6 2018, 11:52am:
    They have?!?!?! *GASP* *faints*.
Question: re: Colin - What is the paying user to downloads ratio for a typical update cycle?
Asked by Ian with a longe (57.79.10.x) on September 3 2018, 12:13pm
Reply on September 4 2018, 3:43pm (edited at September 4 2018, 6:22pm):
    I just looked at the ballpark estimates and it looks surprisingly (reassuringly) (edit) high! Of course who knows how many cracked versions are in use, or how lazy people are about updating (probably the latter is a bigger factor).
Question: Hello Justin! I have a question.... when you code new features for Reaper do you have to absolutly seperatly rewerite this feature for Unix, Windows, Mac or there is some compiler that do some automation for you? Do you also have to rewrite everyting for x32 & x64 platforms? (sorry not a programmer here, just a wonderer)
Asked by Georgy (172.250.71.x) on September 2 2018, 10:00pm
Reply on September 3 2018, 8:12am:
    No, we write new features once and it goes to all platforms (assuming it doesn't require anything OS-specific, which most new features do not... some things do, but those are larger and rarer things).
Question: Your sites do not have [ spoiler][ / spoiler] tag, it's useful also to hide descriptions, pics, long logs and codes, so posts take less space. You don't like it?
Asked by Pooooooooony (94.230.206.x) on September 2 2018, 9:18pm
Reply on September 3 2018, 8:25am:
    yeah that could be cute, maybe there should be a HTML <spoiler> tag...
Question: In the REAPER forum, the available themes are Cockos, v1, v2, v3 and v5. Not v4! Why? And why v3 theme is default?
Asked by Abhi (117.197.6.x) on September 2 2018, 9:35am
Reply on September 2 2018, 10:15am:
    Making forum themes is a pain... hmm i thought v5 was the default, will check that...
Question: does reaper's 32-bit linux version require sse2?
Asked by gio (79.130.165.x) on September 2 2018, 7:42am
Reply on September 2 2018, 10:13am:
    I don’t think so but maybe elastique does (unsure)
Question: How long did you have to wait for your bike to be unchained from the other bike?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on September 1 2018, 11:37pm
Reply on September 2 2018, 10:13am:
    Went back the next day and it was fine...
Question: Is there any way to *zoom* windows such as REAPER's MIDI editor, using SWELL? CoolSB_SetScrollInfo (followed by sending WM_HSCROLL) seems to work for scrolling but not zooming.
Asked by Julian (192.42.116.x) on September 1 2018, 9:44pm
Reply on September 2 2018, 10:14am:
    Not cleanly, better to use the actions perhaps?
Question: Which cursor file types can be loaded by SWELL_LoadFileFromCursor in both MacOS and Linux? In particular, can SWELL load .cur and .ani files?
Asked by Julian (144.217.60.x) on September 1 2018, 9:24pm
Reply on September 2 2018, 10:14am:
    Not sure if there’s overlap, the mac one wraps NSCursor, the linux wraps a cairo function...
Question: Which is your favorite VST plugin?
Asked by MS from Sweden (77.218.255.x) on September 1 2018, 5:08pm
Reply on September 1 2018, 6:11pm:
    Uhmmm... I probably use ReaComp the most, which technically isn't really a VST, so hmm...
Question: What are the differences between habit, interest, hobby and passion?
Asked by Abhi (220.158.144.x) on September 1 2018, 4:44pm
Reply on September 1 2018, 6:11pm:
    Degrees of enthusiasm?
Question: Approx. what percentage of REAPER users end up paying for a license? Would you ever consider changing REAPER's licensing structure?
Asked by Colin (173.230.117.x) on August 31 2018, 3:58pm
Reply on September 1 2018, 6:08pm (edited at September 1 2018, 6:09pm):
    I really have no idea, but I'd guess probably low double-digit percentages. I would consider small changes to the licensing structure (price changes, non-commercial threshold changes, etc), but not large changes (dongles, limited functionality, etc).
Question: Before I start fiddling around again as a small learning project (success questionable) do you have any work done porting Osciibot to Linux? Any tips?
Asked by User (62.214.88.x) on August 31 2018, 2:36pm
Reply on September 1 2018, 6:10pm:
    I don't have any tips but I think it should be pretty straightforward, there will be some (but not all!) #ifdef __APPLE__ statements that will become #ifndef _WIN32, etc. Also the MIDI side will need to get rewritten to use jack or ALSA, it should be pretty straightforward though, but if you get the rest working on stubs I could probably cut/paste REAPER's code.
Question: Is this the person I met in town over chess?
Asked by Zeek (67.245.201.x) on August 31 2018, 2:40am
Reply on August 31 2018, 10:03am:
    Chess? Probably not...
Question: Any plans to do something on/with the cloud?
Asked by Bill (71.56.101.x) on August 30 2018, 12:49am
Reply on August 30 2018, 8:56pm:
    We've done some designing for stuff but haven't made any specific plans, always too many things to sort out first. Someday, hopefully...
Question: Which is better - video tutorials (like in YouTube, Lynda, Udemy etc.) or text tutorials (like in software manuals, websites etc.)?
Asked by Curiosity (162.243.127.x) on August 29 2018, 7:53am
Reply on August 30 2018, 8:56pm:
    I would think it depends on the context and person. I prefer text descriptions for some things (code), videos for other (speaker repair, bicycle repair, etc)
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