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Question: Is icc still the best option for REAPER? or fair for all users? agner.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6
Asked by Gio (87.202.166.x) on August 28 2020, 9:29pm
Reply on August 29 2020, 2:45am:
    I'm sorry that I don't have a good answer for this. Changing toolsets is something that we can't do lightly. On Windows if we did ditch ICC we would also need to move to a more modern compiler, which raises other issues. Though I suppose most users on Windows are using 64-bit at this point, which might require less changes.

    If I had to give a simple answer, it would be: maybe not, but it's too big of an undertaking to change at the moment.
1 Comment...
Question: I don't have a question. Just want to say Thank You as I still use WINAMP
Asked by Jerry Fox (96.33.192.x) on August 27 2020, 5:52pm
Reply on August 27 2020, 9:48pm:
Question: Hello Justin, I've read your other answsers about releasing REAPER as FOSS and I have some thoughts. Why not release it without the 3rd party proprietary bits like elastique and VST2? Also, if you don't want to deal with patches you can always make a "community edition" without your direct involvement and use a trademark to prevent forks from using the REAPER name. If you ever organized a crowdfund campaign for it, I think the FOSS community could match a few years' revenue, not sure though...
Asked by learnruby (93.40.195.x) on August 27 2020, 3:36pm
Reply on August 27 2020, 9:48pm:
    That just doesn't sound like fun to me, sorry!
Question: Would you like to see the right to bear arms amended?
Asked by Rob The Questioner (213.205.197.x) on August 27 2020, 7:18am
Reply on August 27 2020, 11:21am:
    Interpreted less ridiculously would be fine -- I mean by a lot of peoples interpretations of it, we should all have the right to bear cruise missiles...
Question: Man!,Biden has had a bloody rough time in his personal life!- I had no idea of his tragic past & voters probably no nothing of this?? Do you think-it's his/or the dems strategy to put Harris as the next pres? - too, at least tie in the ppl to agree on a uniformed party?
Asked by citizenry (172.98.67.x) on August 25 2020, 2:30pm
Reply on August 26 2020, 2:20am:
    Shrug? Anyway either of them yes please.
Question: What's your favourite programming book? Do you follow clean code rules? Do you use functionoids?
Asked by Pony (78.152.169.x) on August 25 2020, 11:47am
Reply on August 25 2020, 2:08pm:
    I haven't read a programming book in ages. Not sure what "clean code rules" are but I'm sure I have plenty of my own rules! Functionoids, yes, sometimes. LICE uses something close to that with templates for blend modes...
1 Comment...
Question: Are you worried that some more left leaning liberals will not vote for JB, similar to what happened to HC?
Asked by mistermag (155.4.221.x) on August 24 2020, 8:18pm
Reply on August 24 2020, 10:11pm (edited at August 24 2020, 10:12pm):
    Yeah that is a worry, hopefully people can suck it up and do the least-bad thing though. :/ I do know people who voted for GJ/JS in 2016 and will vote for Biden this time, though, so that's maybe encouraging?
Question: Did you know you could ninjam with a big pipe system? youtube.com/watch?v=p8GcHoSIPDg
Asked by Markus (77.180.118.x) on August 24 2020, 3:30pm
Reply on August 24 2020, 5:43pm:
Question: Why don't you move to the countryside and teach Llamas to use Reaper?
Asked by Rob The Questioner (213.205.197.x) on August 24 2020, 1:28pm
Reply on August 24 2020, 5:43pm:
    It's getting pretty tempting
Question: Hello! Why don't you do workshops for children and young people about REAPER, programming and audio? I am sure it would be very inspiring! Kind regards,
Asked by Charles (212.224.228.x) on August 24 2020, 3:58am
Reply on August 24 2020, 5:43pm:
    damn it jim I'm a programmer not a teacher!
Question: iso vs bin vs cue vs nrg vs mdf... which is the best image format now?
Asked by image (122.161.240.x) on August 23 2020, 1:39pm
Reply on August 23 2020, 3:41pm:
    Whatever is supported by the tool in question? I don't think I use CD/DVD images these days...
Question: Oh,is that not a reasonable,valid question? why would it be kidding,what do you fear here??
Asked by 2020 (95.149.70.x) on August 23 2020, 10:05am
Reply on August 23 2020, 3:41pm:
    Barf, keep that shit away from me.
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think about lua 5.4?
Asked by Nixon (178.200.208.x) on August 23 2020, 9:45am
Reply on August 23 2020, 3:42pm:
    I haven't looked at it, but checking it out now!
Question: hey- so have you come across any *q anon* messages? how do you feel about that 'movement'? far right,or ok:alright? + #occupythegetty ?
Asked by 2020 (95.149.70.x) on August 22 2020, 4:28pm
Reply on August 22 2020, 11:48pm:
    You’re kidding, right?
Question: How about Punk/Hardcore? Seen any shows?
Asked by wasereb4 (94.134.90.x) on August 21 2020, 10:59pm
Reply on August 22 2020, 1:33pm:
    Not exactly, but almost? Most recent thing I can think of is Sleaford Mods...
1 Comment...
Question: Is it better to vote tactically, or should you always vote with your conscience, regardless of the outcome?
Asked by Rob The Questioner (213.205.197.x) on August 21 2020, 6:29pm
Reply on August 21 2020, 7:21pm (edited at August 21 2020, 7:23pm):
    Vote tactically, absolutely! Voting your conscience, if the candidate has no chance of winning, is only useful for sending a message. The problem is, generally speaking, those messages are ignored by everybody. What was the message of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson receiving a total of a percent or so? That a small tiny minority was willing to throw their vote away...
1 Comment...
Question: In what directions do you plan to push REAPER in the next 20 years? Have you ever considered moving on or is this the project of your life? Either way, your work is admirable.
Asked by Charles (212.224.227.x) on August 21 2020, 3:25pm
Reply on August 21 2020, 4:58pm:
    My plans are just to keep making it better and keep recording/composing with it! :)
Question: Do you like cats?
Asked by Frank (62.216.200.x) on August 20 2020, 10:18pm
Reply on August 21 2020, 1:12pm:
    Yes! Cats are awesome
1 Comment...
Question: heya- In what terms or ways do you measure 'success'? (either physically,mentally,material,or virtually)
Asked by 2020 (31.124.45.x) on August 20 2020, 8:48pm
Reply on August 20 2020, 9:05pm:
    Some things probably are best left unquantified?
1 Comment...
Question: How are you
Asked by Arturo (181.126.35.x) on August 19 2020, 7:48pm
Reply on August 20 2020, 1:17pm:
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