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Ask Justin Frankel
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Suggested topics: programming, music, sleep, coffee, etc.

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Question: What exactly is peakrate in GetMediaItemTake_Peaks( take, peakrate, starttime, numchannels, numsamplesperchannel, want_extra_type, buf )? And how would I know what value to set? Thanks! :)
Asked by amagalma (91.140.73.x) on March 8 2021, 12:12pm
Reply on March 8 2021, 4:50pm:
    Number of pixels per second!
Question: Is the Piano Roll an extension of reaper? If so, it would be possible for users make their own and have like a Microtonal Piano roll?
Asked by Daniel L (186.210.89.x) on March 7 2021, 10:49pm
Reply on March 8 2021, 4:51pm:
    Technically yes but realistically no. You could make your own, though, probably. As a script, even?
Question: Do you realize how big of an impact you've made with Reaper?
Asked by Tiki (109.102.230.x) on March 7 2021, 6:06pm
Reply on March 8 2021, 4:51pm:
Question: Have you seen this ? Seems Awesome forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=250419
Asked by Name (189.112.151.x) on March 6 2021, 11:44pm
Reply on March 7 2021, 3:20am:
Question: What the 6.25 name is about?
Asked by Daniel (189.112.151.x) on March 6 2021, 6:18am
Reply on March 7 2021, 3:22am:
    It's a reference to something but I don't want to give it away here ;)
Question: Thnx for LV2 implementation :)
Asked by steinar krogstad (80.212.250.x) on March 5 2021, 8:15am
Reply on March 6 2021, 12:18am:
    It was my pleasure!
Question: Did you ever smoke? if so, how did you quit and what was the motivation?
Asked by Marlboro (51.81.87.x) on March 5 2021, 2:29am
Reply on March 5 2021, 3:42am:
    Nope, maybe smoked a total of 8 cigarettes and a few of cigars.
Question: Hi Justin. Hope you are well!! I'm curious. How is your relation with Jon Tidey or Kenny Giogia? You talk with them directly at some moment?. Cheers! (Oops, I didn't realise that someone ask for almost the same question so recently before.... I am interesting about Jon then.)
Asked by javiramallo (84.76.39.x) on March 4 2021, 7:42pm
Reply on March 4 2021, 9:59pm:
    I talk to Kenny a lot more than Jon, but I'd be happy to talk to Jon more too!
Question: do you like me?
Asked by dennis (46.59.103.x) on March 4 2021, 12:33am
Reply on March 4 2021, 3:21am:
    You seem nice.
Question: Did you get a m1 mac yet?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 3 2021, 11:37pm
Reply on March 4 2021, 3:21am:
    We have a M1 mac mini which sits idle and occasionally makes builds and less occasionally is used for testing, yeah.
Question: Are you friends with Kenny Gioia? His tutorials are excellent. Really great to learn from.
Asked by James (45.12.223.x) on March 3 2021, 6:07pm
Reply on March 3 2021, 11:36pm:
    Yep, I'll pass this on to him!
Question: Can I play dual chords simulatenously? like for example, my piano playing A#, C, Am, Dm while my guitar playing A#, C, F, F at the same time?
Asked by Cookie (27.58.1.x) on March 3 2021, 6:05pm
Reply on March 3 2021, 11:36pm:
    How many hands do you have?
1 Comment...
Question: v6.24 the end of an era for the legendary compiler (VC6), any farewell? I always thought it would be very cool if VC6 lasted as long as the 32-bit lifecycle but apparently it's not possible with REAPER's demands. Still, it's mind-blowing...
Asked by Gio (79.130.177.x) on March 3 2021, 2:52pm
Reply on March 3 2021, 3:21pm:
    To be fair, for the last 10+ years VC6 has been the compiler in name only -- it was actually ICC10 which pretty much replaced all of it except for the CRT, from what I can tell... :) And now it's VC2005 but still ICC10, so not really any different (except for the CRT).
Question: What makes software incompatible with new OS appart from 3rd party like Portaudio, ..., if someone decided to create something like Csound ? In oder words, what do I need to change in this program written in C in order to make it working - the day it would not maintened - as a developer perspective ? Thank you ! Best regards,
Asked by Arlequin (37.172.28.x) on March 2 2021, 8:52pm
Reply on March 3 2021, 3:21pm:
    Depends on the OS, Apple likes to break things in new OSes... :/
Question: how did you start programming? when did that turn into music programming?
Asked by genb4 (198.255.237.x) on March 1 2021, 11:13pm
Reply on March 2 2021, 12:19am:
1 Comment...
Question: Have you read Michael Hewitt's books : Music Theory for Computer Musicians, Composition for Computer Musicians, Harmony for Computer Musicians - Michael Hewitt? If yes, how are they?
Asked by No reasonable question unanswered since 2009! (27.58.80.x) on March 1 2021, 10:41am
Reply on March 2 2021, 12:19am:
    I haven't, but I'll maybe look at them maybe.
1 Comment...
Question: Why there is many more sound designers than film composers that have moved from Cubase / Pro Tools to REAPER ?
Asked by Arlequin (37.171.251.x) on February 28 2021, 1:00pm
Reply on March 2 2021, 12:19am:
    Is that the case? I have no idea.
Question: Hello ! If you had to choose between Csound and SuperCollider for the long term, what would you do ? Best,
Asked by Arlequin (37.172.138.x) on February 27 2021, 5:44pm
Reply on February 27 2021, 6:34pm:
    I haven't used either, so I guess JSFX? :)
1 Comment...
Question: What happens if GUIDs collide?
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.90.x) on February 26 2021, 12:32am
Reply on February 26 2021, 3:59am:
    That would depend on the context
Question: is today the tomorrow of yesterday?
Asked by ddbdbbd (98.163.4.x) on February 25 2021, 6:16am
Reply on February 25 2021, 11:16pm:
    Yes, for now
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