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Question: Do you dip (chocolate?) cookie into your (milky?) tea/coffee and eat it??
Asked by Choco (27.58.10.x) on March 19 2021, 4:12am
Reply on March 19 2021, 4:09pm:
    I have but not regularly
Question: Where did you buy sectigo code signing certificates?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.125.x) on March 19 2021, 2:41am
Reply on March 19 2021, 4:10pm:
Question: I want to ask a quick question about REAPER. When I freeze track, my MIDI is hidden and it renders into audio. When I unfreeze it, it revert back to MIDI. Nice feature but are you sure my MIDI won't get lost with this? I mean what if suppose I freeze 10 tracks and their MIDI got hidden and converted into audio stems. When I want to make some modification and wanted my MIDIs back, I unfreeze but let say, MIDI of only 6 tracks got back and the remaining 4 MIDIs got lost/deleted? I am just worried for my MIDIs. I badly want to use this feature because of my potato laptop and it gives me extra CPU power but then my MIDI got hidden and my heart starts beating loudly. Also, what's difference between render & freeze? In render, MIDIs are shown and audio files are right below them, but in freeze, MIDIs are hidden and only audios are shown. Is it the only difference or something else?
Asked by Confused Cookie (27.58.113.x) on March 18 2021, 3:51pm
Reply on March 18 2021, 11:59pm:
    This is absolutely not the venue to discuss this, but if having things be hidden makes you uncomfortable, save backup projects...
1 Comment...
Question: Hi Justin, I recall you wrote an app which can be used to compare 2 directories (including all files inside), but I can't find it. Do you still have it? (or a link). Thanks.
Asked by Dave (116.236.68.x) on March 18 2021, 1:05pm
Reply on March 18 2021, 11:59pm:
    Pathsync? Haven't touched that in 10+ years I don't think
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think about Behringer?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on March 18 2021, 1:04pm
Reply on March 19 2021, 12:00am:
    They make some good bang for the buck, but what about the cost to society? Who knows? :/
Question: Hello. You are very good in developing softwares. You are adding lots of video editing features in REAPER. Why don't you try to make a separate full-fledged video editing software, if you have extra time & motivation?
Asked by Blue Moon (27.58.113.x) on March 18 2021, 6:08am
Reply on March 19 2021, 12:00am:
    And have to maintain two products? no way!
Question: Hey, I would switch my VC to version 2005 since the IDE and compilation results are less bloated, and just enough as my needs. I think I could get used copy legally (not bootlegs or NFR copy ofc), and I currently just tried Community and older Express editions. But, what edition you use, VS 2005 Standard or Professional? (You unlikely use Express since it lacks of x64 oob and ext plugins)
Asked by Thiekus (209.127.17.x) on March 18 2021, 12:30am
Reply on March 19 2021, 12:01am:
    I like VC2013 a lot actually. If I were starting out now I'd probably use it. Community Edition is fine, for that...
1 Comment...
Question: Hey, you can generate infinite amount of full-fledged lyrics for any type of song. Check this : theselyricsdonotexist.com/HOW THIS IS EVEN POSSIBLE??? :O
Asked by A.I. (27.58.82.x) on March 17 2021, 5:58pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 9:12pm:
    amazing: Verse 1 It? S a thousand miles of burrito night I want to get back to you We made it to our prison And we were back at the burrito Pre-Chorus Oh, oh, way in the valley Oh, oh, way out East Chorus On the other side of the burrito side So she bought herself a ticket to hollywood The sky was burrito And the house was a burrito Verse 2 For the burrito man Yeah, the burrito man Like there is no reason You know this lives up to your standards Pre-Chorus I got out of bed this morning Fed myself a burrito breakfast
Question: currently in Reaper when you lock something it prevents mouse and keyboard inputs but you can still make changes via OSC controllers.. is this the intended behaviour ? i would have expected locking a track means nothing could make changes to it..
Asked by EcBaPr (119.18.3.x) on March 17 2021, 2:05pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 3:39pm:
    Ah thanks I'll look at this
1 Comment...
Question: Are you considering making reaper better for live looping?
Asked by David (87.68.10.x) on March 17 2021, 8:16am
Reply on March 17 2021, 3:39pm:
    Not particularly (though check out Super8)
1 Comment...
Question: As a musician how do you feel using different softwares/instruments/tools/environments changes your music?
Asked by Daniel Lumertz (191.54.63.x) on March 16 2021, 8:10pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:13am:
    It definitely does!
Question: I was at a wedding yesterday, and the DJ had AVS projecting onto a big screen. I recognized a few of your presets. :)
Asked by Will (104.254.90.x) on March 14 2021, 5:11pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:13am:
Question: Maybe it would be better to call REAPER (x64) as REAPER and REAPER (32bit) as REAPER (x86)? And also C:/Program Files (x86)/REAPER (x86) for 32 bit... AND... C:/Program Files/REAPER for 64 bit ??? I know weird suggestion 😂
Asked by Rhubarb Rhubarb Golf Prostate (27.58.99.x) on March 14 2021, 4:46pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:13am:
    Yeah, eventually, though you never know what you'll break doing that. Funny how at one time x64 was the minority thing, now it's 90%
1 Comment...
Question: Love you J! Are there any glaring issues with this? forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=250691
Asked by Dafarkybark (73.44.112.x) on March 13 2021, 5:01am
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:13am:
    Hmm maybe?
1 Comment...
Question: Which beginner language, would you recommend to make an app similar to Music 2000 on PC/Playstation? (link to video bellow) I know there is no good or bad choice, tho I'd be glad to hear what you think about beginner friendly solution, similar to C# and Unity? Demo: youtube.com/watch?v=Unn68m6jduo
Asked by Victor (135.19.54.x) on March 12 2021, 4:14pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:14am:
    I'm not sure what a beginner language is :)
Question: Did you try the Go language? Any opinions? Would you use it for anything?
Asked by Rodrigo (189.4.79.x) on March 11 2021, 6:32pm
Reply on March 17 2021, 12:14am:
    I haven't tried it, I usually just keep using the things I've been using
Question: How many years do you think Tcl / Tk has left before it stops working ? Best,
Asked by Arlequin (37.170.6.x) on March 10 2021, 7:01pm
Reply on March 10 2021, 9:45pm:
    Why would it?
Question: Can you recommend a good email host/service?
Asked by skoobedoo (92.110.122.x) on March 9 2021, 9:18pm
Reply on March 10 2021, 9:45pm:
    Not really... Hey.com looks attractive but for work we need imap in order to automate various things so it's a no-go for us...
Question: Can we have an option to disable creation of undo points in the function ReorderSelectedTracks()? This would make sticky tracks script usable forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=2415875
Asked by Buy One (178.93.229.x) on March 8 2021, 9:47pm
Reply on March 10 2021, 9:46pm:
    Hmm that would cause a lot of problems
Question: What exactly is peakrate in GetMediaItemTake_Peaks( take, peakrate, starttime, numchannels, numsamplesperchannel, want_extra_type, buf )? And how would I know what value to set? Thanks! :)
Asked by amagalma (91.140.73.x) on March 8 2021, 12:12pm
Reply on March 8 2021, 4:50pm:
    Number of pixels per second!
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