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Question: I found a stash of your songs online, what a treasure .can we record / write to any of these ? Hint me keyboardist so expect the unexpected. You choose.
Asked by neovich (14.200.140.x) on July 6 2021, 9:51am
Reply on July 6 2021, 3:53pm (edited at July 6 2021, 3:54pm):
Question: If the narrator of this dimension made you go into academic life for good. What would you apply to? What would you research in MA and PhD? And what would you teach? (you can choose freely)
Asked by DdSL (200.146.246.x) on July 6 2021, 3:30am
Reply on July 6 2021, 3:51pm:
    I'd have to figure out what I'd be remotely qualified to teach...
Question: What's your diet like? Do you avoid any particular foods?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on July 5 2021, 3:21pm
Reply on July 5 2021, 3:54pm:
    I go for maximum diversity... a few aversions: most cheeses (get migraines from some), and hazelnuts (mild rashes), maybe something else I'm forgetting about
Question: Do you think Audacity crossed the line with their new privacy policy or is the public overreacting? its here if you haven't seen it archive.fo/d3LBR
Asked by reaperblog (172.103.218.x) on July 4 2021, 9:07pm
Reply on July 4 2021, 11:54pm (edited at July 5 2021, 9:52pm):
    What's the line, anyway? I dunno. Sharing minidumps is the part that would bother me, you never know what personal information could end up in those? Edit: if it's just stack traces, fine... if it's a partial memory dump that's a line crossed, for me. That Audacity backlash feels like an overreaction to me.
Question: Have you ever thought of getting an ecolabel for Reaper? Not as bragging, but to remind the competition that low cpu usage and generally good software with tight code can be a factor in terms of CO2 Emissions.
Asked by spoiled hobo (77.181.7.x) on June 28 2021, 2:21pm
Reply on June 28 2021, 3:37pm:
    Hah, no...
Question: Win32: Is there a resource editor that you recommend for Linux or WINE? Thanks
Asked by Gio (94.70.6.x) on June 24 2021, 10:39pm
Reply on June 26 2021, 1:43pm:
    Hmm would VC6 run in WINE? :) that's all I can think of
Question: What part of development You like more? making GUI features, making audio features/plugins, making video features or maybe You like fixing bugs : ) ?
Asked by Poooooooooooooony (162.210.194.x) on June 23 2021, 3:09pm
Reply on June 24 2021, 6:54pm:
    writing JSFX is probably the most fun
Question: Strings VS. Pads. Which do you prefer?
Asked by Bongo (182.68.224.x) on June 23 2021, 2:40pm
Reply on June 24 2021, 6:55pm:
    I'm guilty of not using either, but if I had to pick one, probably pads (unless I had a bunch of string musician friends)
Question: Have you ever considered writing an operating system? It would be a massive project, expensive in both time and money. And history suggests that you’d ultimately fail. But I fall asleep every night fantasying about an OS that behaves just like Reaper.
Asked by Yrnotfar (75.57.24.x) on June 22 2021, 4:23am
Reply on June 22 2021, 4:19pm (edited at June 22 2021, 4:20pm):
    I've thought about making a swell-generic-sdl target which could run on linux without GDK/X11/Wayland/etc...
1 Comment...
Question: Hey Justin! I wanted to say/ask 3 things. 1 thanks so much for making the greatest DAW of all time. 2 what are your thoughts and opinions on cryptocurrency? Do you personally own any? 3 Could you go on "The Lex Fridman Podcast", I think it be a great episode with you on it!
Asked by Evan (70.123.54.x) on June 21 2021, 3:19pm
Reply on June 21 2021, 11:03pm (edited at June 21 2021, 11:04pm):
    1) thanks for the kind words! 2) I do not own any cryptocurrencies and I think in general they are a solution in search of a problem (other than being perfect for ransomware etc) and are an environmental disaster. and 3) maybe?
Question: Can I write you an e-mail?
Asked by Andreas (203.174.244.x) on June 21 2021, 8:04am
Reply on June 21 2021, 11:02pm:
    Sure, I think maybe you already did and I replied, though
Question: Hope your day is great. So, I made an app to play all the songs in our live set list using your web interface. ( in javascript ) It works a treat. That said , reaper sends out the relevant midi info to another PC using software called Gig Performer ? Have you ever heard of this program ? It is equally brilliant just like reaper !
Asked by neovich (14.200.140.x) on June 20 2021, 1:54pm
Reply on June 21 2021, 11:01pm:
    Nice... I haven't heard of Gig Performer, no, will google it
Question: Okay, as you know that Windows 11 is going to release with a new MS Store. And they are done with UWP metro apps and just keep the normal .exe softwares. Will you add REAPER into their store? It will make REAPER even more popular than before because then lots of people will search for DAWs in their store. Right now, only FL Studio is there but their mobile version, not desktop. So yup, if you do this, REAPER would be the first major DAW to come there.
Asked by Argh asking question (162.210.194.x) on June 19 2021, 9:02am
Reply on June 19 2021, 8:21pm:
    We're not really interested in putting REAPER on stores, it's better for us and our users to just be a separate download.
Question: Ah its okay for the deleted song. I really love it, I hope you like it too (unless you deleted it even without listening XD). Anyway, SCALE FINDER IN REAPER is so helpful and time saver. In my previous DAW, after making song (mostly MIDIs), I had to manually figure out the scale of my song and it took me too much time. But not anymore, thanks to you! Just keep bringing more little cool tools like this which saves our precious time in making music. (Now don't delete this post because of no question XD)
Asked by Argh again (110.227.159.x) on June 19 2021, 8:11am
Reply on June 19 2021, 8:22pm:
    Thanks, but rather than "now don't delete this point" maybe just add a question? silly :/ I'll delete it later.
Question: What's the best code one-liner you've ever seen? (if you remember any)
Asked by needalongername (83.81.43.x) on June 18 2021, 4:14pm
Reply on June 18 2021, 8:38pm:
    For what goal? Can't say I can remember any anyway...
Question: Oh recently I have posted a very lovely song link from YouTube here and you have deleted that? :(
Asked by Argh (207.244.71.x) on June 17 2021, 7:33am
Reply on June 17 2021, 1:27pm:
    Correct, it was not a question.
Question: What do you think about that suggestion? :P kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f...(first post)
Asked by wasereb4 (93.206.7.x) on June 17 2021, 12:34am
Reply on June 17 2021, 1:55am:
Question: You still into Tame Impala? I've had that bassline from "Lost in Yesterday" stuck in my head for days! (lol)
Asked by schmoe (50.92.68.x) on June 15 2021, 10:52pm
Reply on June 17 2021, 1:55am:
    I like the old stuff (demos, EPs, innerspeaker, lonerism) but not sure if I've heard the latest.
Question: Have you ever watched the IT crowd series ? Older classic UK comedy . A must see.
Asked by neovich (110.175.58.x) on June 15 2021, 1:34pm
Reply on June 15 2021, 6:35pm:
    A few episodes, painful but funny. Mostly painful.
Question: Would you agree that the Meaning of Life is about to dealing best with Suffering and Fortune?
Asked by Chris (95.90.213.x) on June 13 2021, 11:31pm
Reply on June 14 2021, 2:39am:
    s/is about to/includes/ maybe?
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