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Question: If the narrator of this dimension made you open a small restaurant and work there cooking, what would you serve?
Asked by Aloha! (201.48.183.x) on June 7 2022, 4:24am
Reply on June 7 2022, 4:03pm:
    All kheer all the time
Question: Do you like writing PHP?
Asked by Jesse (173.63.46.x) on June 6 2022, 11:42pm
Reply on June 7 2022, 1:19am:
    For dealing with string processing, definitely!
Question: Do you like iguanas? Can my iguana be a mascot for one of your software projects?
Asked by Louis (172.58.224.x) on June 6 2022, 9:33am
Reply on June 6 2022, 2:15pm:
    Nah, I'd probably go goat
Question: whats a good reason to write music?
Asked by EMmm (178.175.135.x) on June 5 2022, 7:43pm
Reply on June 6 2022, 12:57am:
    Because you feel it!
Question: Congratulations to you and all other New Yorkers to having a codified right to repair! Have you celebrated by waving your soldering iron?
Asked by SpoiledHobo (77.180.77.x) on June 5 2022, 3:27pm
Reply on June 6 2022, 12:57am:
    We'll see how it goes heh but I'm definitely in favor of it in theory!
Question: In a previous answer, you said "I've wasted my share of money in the process of learning what's important to me". Do the important things in life cost money?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on June 4 2022, 6:11pm
Reply on June 6 2022, 12:56am:
    Not all important things cost money, but many do. And not everything that costs money is important.
Question: Ummm, idk I can ask it here or not... but.... let say, I draw or record a major chord (C major, C_E_G, for example). But then I immediately want to make it as a C minor chord, C_Eb_G, without editing it or recording it. Is there any way to do this automatically (converting a major chord into minor or vice versa) with a keyboard shortcut or somewhere hidden in REAPER's deep menu?
Asked by Abhi (122.177.5.x) on June 4 2022, 4:11pm
Reply on June 6 2022, 12:55am:
    Not off the top of my head
Question: How naive would it be to leverage win32 to form the 'layout/main windows' of a program and then handle all sub windows/buttons/whatever separately, packing each ui element to some form of bitmap and then blitting that to the 'parent' win32 window? Thanks :)
Asked by Jack (193.138.218.x) on June 3 2022, 10:30pm
Reply on June 4 2022, 12:49am:
    That's essentially what we do (though we have separate child windows as containers for groups of things, then we have WDL_VWnd for building UIs etc).
Question: Have you had paranormal ghost experience? (thanks Yovche for the suggestion)
Asked by Abhi (122.176.3.x) on June 3 2022, 4:54pm
Reply on June 3 2022, 6:17pm:
    hah also no
Question: Will the unlimited trial version always exist?
Asked by Reaper (78.162.3.x) on June 3 2022, 11:34am
Reply on June 3 2022, 1:51pm:
    There's no unlimited trial version, only a 60 day trial.
Question: Hey Justin, big fan. What are your thoughts on immediate mode gui and their application in apps like DAWs?
Asked by Jack (141.98.255.x) on June 3 2022, 4:30am
Reply on June 3 2022, 1:51pm:
    They are fun to program but not necessarily the most efficient!
Question: How do you convert two mono tracks to one stereo track?
Asked by João Dionísio (2.81.229.x) on June 2 2022, 4:24pm
Reply on June 2 2022, 9:41pm:
    files or tracks? there's a number of ways... I might put both files on one track and pan each item... or put them as two takes in a single item, pan each take, and check the "play all takes" option for the item.
1 Comment...
Question: Is the reaverb plugin code open source? If so, where can I find it?
Asked by João Franco (2.81.229.x) on June 2 2022, 11:15am
Reply on June 2 2022, 9:40pm:
    No, but the convolution engine it uses is in WDL (convoengine.*)
Question: Do you every write C++ projects for Arduino / Arduino-compatible hardware?
Asked by Jesse (173.63.46.x) on June 1 2022, 12:10am
Reply on June 2 2022, 1:01am:
    I haven't, I've written assembly for AVR microcontrollers, that's about it
Question: Hello Justin. Is there a possibility for the instance effect oversampling in reaper to allow higher oversampling rates than 768k? I know It may seem excessive, but some plugins could really benefit from oversampling into the megahertz range, In fact this can be brute forced already, but is a bit cumbersome. Thanks for all you do.
Asked by Resonant Peak (201.138.38.x) on May 31 2022, 12:05pm
Reply on May 31 2022, 5:19pm (edited at May 31 2022, 10:29pm):
    We could, but so many plug-ins would fail disasterously it seems like a bad idea (768k is problematic enough)
Question: Hello Justin Frankel, I just wanted to know if in the event that a musician plays a work for acoustic and electronic instrument in real time (custom JSFX... ready-made REAPER session, etc.) that I have prepared on my workstation (my license is paid), does the evaluation version apply for this musician who only performs one concert or does he have to pay the 60? For electro-acoustic parts, I feel that REAPER with JSFX is much more portable, stable and practical than other approaches, hence my question Thanks
Asked by Arlequin (212.224.239.x) on May 30 2022, 2:14pm
Reply on May 30 2022, 2:35pm:
    Probably fine yeah
Question: Have you had paranormal alien experience?
Asked by Yovche (89.205.5.x) on May 30 2022, 11:31am
Reply on May 30 2022, 2:35pm:
Question: which one is better vim and neovim :D
Asked by reaper (95.7.143.x) on May 29 2022, 5:49pm
Reply on May 29 2022, 7:16pm:
    haven't really used neovim so I dunno
Question: Do you watch ESC? If yes, then which one is your favourite this year?
Asked by Abhi (223.177.2.x) on May 27 2022, 2:50pm
Reply on May 28 2022, 1:43am:
    I don't/didn't, sorry! :)
Question: What is pubkey above there? I always thought that as pubg (game) XD
Asked by Abhi (223.177.2.x) on May 27 2022, 7:29am
Reply on May 27 2022, 12:21pm:
    It's a GPG/PGP public key, you can use it to send me private messages, etc
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