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Question: Would love to see speaker crossfeed simulation plugin for headphones (ReaSpeakers/ReaHeadphones) to mix/simulate studio speakers
Asked by Sam J (223.186.39.x) on January 9 2023, 4:51pm
Reply on January 9 2023, 6:25pm:
    Write the JSFX ;)
Question: Is it true that people who are good in mathematics, are also generally good in coding & music? Also, I see some similarities between music & coding (and maths)
Asked by Abhi (122.161.9.x) on January 7 2023, 5:49pm
Reply on January 8 2023, 1:06am:
    not sure, there are probably examples that are consistent with that and examples that are not... There's probably a mathy-style of code/music vs the less-mathy-style? I'm not great at math btw.
Question: Assuming you're a rich person, is that why Reaper costs as much as it does? And if you weren't a rich person, would that affect the pricing of Reaper? Many kind regards!
Asked by gideonstar (79.193.219.x) on January 7 2023, 11:05am
Reply on January 7 2023, 3:56pm:
    My personal finances have very little to do with REAPER's pricing at this point! 17 years ago I had a lot of room to experiment which was good, but very soon after it became self-sustaining.
1 Comment...
Question: Do-while loop at least do it for one time, then check for condition. I want the opposite of it. I want a loop for my code, and don't want to execute it for the first time, but then I want to execute them for second, third, fourth, and so on... iterations (until a condition is satisfied). How can I do that?
Asked by Abhi (117.99.173.x) on January 6 2023, 9:13am
Reply on January 6 2023, 7:11pm:
    Sounds like you want a normal while loop?
Question: Would you consider acting in a remake of the Beastie Boys' Sabotage music video, as a form of me having formulated the compliments on your moustache into a question?
Asked by Spoiled Hobo (77.190.147.x) on January 6 2023, 12:37am
Reply on January 6 2023, 4:27am:
    Haha sure
Question: Is it OK to reverse engineer the .RPP file format (as much as that term is applicable) to import user-created data from .RPP files into other apps?
Asked by n997 (85.131.102.x) on January 5 2023, 4:43pm
Reply on January 6 2023, 4:27am:
    Of course!
Question: ive really been meaning to find out : are there any disadvantages to have signals going over 0 db in a mix with 64 floating point precision?
Asked by mike s (173.70.39.x) on January 5 2023, 3:04am
Reply on January 6 2023, 4:27am:
    Not unless those signals get sent to a plug-in which behaves differently above 0dB... but in general no you can run at -100dB or +100dB it doesn't matter.
1 Comment...
Question: I'll register a small company hopefully soon but i wanted ur opinion about finding an accountant for taxes/audit etc...is a small accounting office or med/larger office better usually to be involved with when it comes to accountants/tax/auditors? thanks!
Asked by Eoooo (70.34.252.x) on January 4 2023, 2:10pm
Reply on January 4 2023, 4:07pm (edited at January 4 2023, 4:36pm):
    I've definitely had better experiences with a small office (sole proprietor) CPA. I'm sure it depends on who you find, though...
1 Comment...
Question: Had any conversations about or experience with the Web Audio API(after 2011 question)? developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/W...
Asked by musicalcode (136.226.74.x) on January 4 2023, 4:24am
Reply on January 4 2023, 4:08pm:
    Not really, pretty far out of my area of interest, still.
Question: What's the practical usage of private and public classes in C++/C#? I mean, why we want to hide or show them?
Asked by Abhi (182.69.107.x) on January 3 2023, 9:48am
Reply on January 3 2023, 1:00pm:
    It’s not as much about hiding complexity as it is about enforcing the use of the recommended interface. E.g. keep the calling code from mistakenly using the internal implementation details…
Question: how to deal with the self steam after finding bugs?
Asked by heya (177.191.5.x) on January 3 2023, 1:35am
Reply on January 3 2023, 12:59pm:
    If you can fix it then goos job you! Don’t sweat it, we all make mistakes :)
1 Comment...
Question: I mix broadcast mix for church entirely in Reaper through Dante, pre fader listen is a console feature that i love to be on Reapper solo button options to a specific bus (3/4) so that (1/2) would not be unharmed by solo button! Hope so this update adds soon
Asked by Sam J (139.99.91.x) on January 2 2023, 3:23pm
Reply on January 2 2023, 10:54pm:
    Separate solo buses is something we've thought about -- as a workaround now, you could set up pre-fader hardware outputs from your tracks which would always run... but then you'd be mixing on all of the hardware output sends which might be a bit meh
Question: HAPPY NEW YEAR Justin. Thanks for so much!
Asked by Javier Ramallo (81.9.209.x) on January 1 2023, 4:46pm
Reply on January 1 2023, 9:51pm:
    Happy 2023!
Question: What's your new year resolution.... ummm, if any?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.176.x) on January 1 2023, 4:36pm
Reply on January 1 2023, 9:51pm:
    I will finish the bottle of cider that I opened last night
1 Comment...
Question: Hey was 9/11 a inside john?
Asked by LelMeMe (45.32.191.x) on December 31 2022, 5:45pm
Reply on December 31 2022, 5:50pm:
    Inside John, there's a band name for you
Question: Do you know about BlockPy? It's Python language but having both visual (blocks) and text. Do you like to have same for C++? think.cs.vt.edu/blockpy/blockpy/load
Asked by Abhi (182.68.132.x) on December 31 2022, 3:57pm
Reply on December 31 2022, 5:50pm:
    I haven't seen that, interesting...
Question: Hi! We talked last year on my channel! First of all, would love to do it again, but also, is it okay if I cut that video into some shorter vids and release? :)
Asked by IDDQDSound (50.68.208.x) on December 31 2022, 8:53am
Reply on December 31 2022, 5:50pm:
    sure I guess as long as it's not terribly out of context?
1 Comment...
Question: Is Aaron Carey a creator of Reaper? youtube.com/watch?v=-_TcoUQIKnQ
Asked by Anon (82.132.213.x) on December 31 2022, 3:43am
Reply on December 31 2022, 5:49pm (edited at December 31 2022, 5:50pm):
    He was an early adopter and as a user had a lot of influence over us for a while, but I don't think it would be accurate to call him a creator of REAPER.
Question: do you know andrew wk? youtube.com/watch?v=TThqQiNNMAM youtube.com/watch?v=hBwvuSQ6l6o youtube.com/watch?v=0ZyhB1-Yb4U youtube.com/watch?v=YmhdvtCTfJI
Asked by Erieo (84.247.48.x) on December 30 2022, 1:27am
Reply on December 31 2022, 5:49pm:
    I don't, haven't had a chance to watch these yet but one of these days...
Question: In some programming languages, like C#, Python etc. We can't directly take int/float as input from user. Instead, we take string from user as input, and typecast that input into integer or float. Why can't we directly take int/float as input from user?
Asked by error at 0x123456789 (223.190.14.x) on December 29 2022, 2:26pm
Reply on December 29 2022, 5:04pm:
    I suppose that's a decision made by the developers of the language! I mean, in theory you could take raw bytes from the user and interpret them as IEEE-754 floating point, too? I guess the default mode of inputting anything is a string, and then converting that using the cast (which implies parsing the bytes as a floating point string...) makes a certain amount of sense?
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